UGC NET Syllabus for Sociology
Sociology UGC NET New Syllabus
The University Grants Commission (UGC) NET Bureau revised its syllabus for UGC NET in Sociology in June, 2019 and the same syllabus will be applicable for the upcoming UGC NET / JRF and SET or SLET examination. The detailed syllabus for paper-1 can be found at UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-1. The details of syllabus of Paper-2 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link:
Sociology UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (New and Updated)
Sociology UGC NET Old Syllabus
The UGC NET examination old syllabus which was applicable till December, 2018 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link. Kindly note that this syllabus is considered as outdated and now not applicable for the upcoming UGC NET examination in Sociology. You can use it only for your reference purpose.
Sociology UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (Old or Previous)
The detailed UGC NET old syllabus in Sociology is given below.
UGC NET Syllabus in Sociology
NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET/SLET Syllabus for Sociology, Code No: 05 is given below
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus
A: Sociological Concepts
1. Nature of Sociology
Sociological Perspective
2. Basic Concepts
Norms and Values.
3. Social Structure
Status and role, their interrelationship.
Multiple roles, Role set. Status set, Status sequence.
Role conflict.
4. Social Group Meaning
Types: Primary – Secondary, Formal – Informal, Ingroup – Outgroup, Referencegroup.
5. Social Institutions
6. Socialization
Socialization, Resocialization, Anticipatory socialization, Adult socialization
Agencies of socialization
Theories of socialization.
7. Social Stratification
Social differentiation, Hierarchy and Inequality
Forms of stratification : Caste, Class, Gender, Ethnic
Theories of social stratification
Social mobility.
8. Social Change
Concepts and Types: Evolution, Diffusion, Progress, Revolution, Transformation, Change in structure and Change of structure
Theories : Dialectical and Cyclical.
B: Sociological Theory
9. Structural
Radclifife Brown
Levi – Strauss
10. Functional
11. Interactionist
Social action: Max Weber, Pareto
Symbolic Interactionism: G. H. Mead, Blumer
12. Conflict
Karl Marx
C: Methodology
13. Meaning and Nature of Social Research
Nature of social phenomena
The scientific method
The problems in the study of social phenomena: Objectivity and subjectivity, fact and value.
14. Quantitative Methods
Research Design and its types
Techniques of data collection: Observation, Questionnaire, Schedule, Interview.
15. Qualitative Methods
Participant observation
Case study
Content analysis
Oral history
Life history
16. Statistics in Social Research
Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode
Measures of dispersion
Correlational analysis
Test of significance
Reliability and Validity
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus Continues
The following part of the UGC NET syllabus were previously under UGC NET Paper-3 (Part-A) syllabus in Sociology, however, as UGC has now only two papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which is general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 on the specific subject (including all electives, without options) instead of previous three papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which was general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 and Paper-3 on the specific subject, so, now-a-days, the following part is also considered as part of the UGC NET Paper-2 syllabus.
(Core Group)
Unit – I: Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology
Alfred Shultz, Peter Berger and Luckmann
Garfinkel and Goffman
Unit – II: Neo – functionalism and Neo – Marxism
J. Alexander
Habermass, Althusser
Unit – III: Structuration and Post – Modernism
Unit – IV: Conceptualising Indian
Peoples of India: Groups and Communities.
Unity in diversity.
Cultural diversity: Regional, linguistic, religious and tribal.
Unit – V: Theoretical Perspectives
Indological / Textual Perspective: G. S. Ghurye, Louis Dumont.
Structural – Functional Perspective: M. M.N. Srinivas, S. C. Dube.
Marxian Perspective: D. P. Mukherjee, A. R. Desai.
Civilisational Perspective: N. K. Bose, Surajit Sinha.
Subaltern Perspective: B. R. Ambedkar, David Hardiman.
Unit – VI: Contemporary Issues : Socio – cultural
Inequality of caste and gender
Regional, ethnic and religious disharmonies.
Family disharmony: (a) Domestic violence (b) Dowry (c) Divorce (d) Intergenerational conflict.
Unit – VII: Contemporary Issues: Developmental
Regional disparity
Ecological degradation and environmental pollution
Health problems
Unit – VIII: Issues Pertaining to Deviance
Deviance and its forms
Crime and delinquency
White collar crime and corruption,
Changing profile of crime and criminals
Drug addiction
Unit – IX: Current Debates
Tradition and Modernity in India.
Problems of Nation Building: Secularism, Pluralism and Nation building.
Unit – X: The Challenges of Globalisation
Indianisation of Sociology
Privatisation of Education
Science and Technology Policy of India
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus Continues
The following part of the UGC NET syllabus were previously under UGC NET Paper-3 (Part-B) syllabus in Sociology, however, as UGC has now only two papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which is general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 on the specific subject (including all electives, without options) instead of previous three papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which was general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 and Paper-3 on the specific subject, so, now-a-days, the following part is also considered as part of the UGC NET Paper-2 syllabus.
(Elective / Optional)
Elective – I: Rural Sociology
Approaches to the study of Rural Society:
Rural – Urban differences
Peasant studies
Agrarian Institutions:
Land ownership and its types.
Agrarian relations and Mode of production debate.
Jajmani system and Jajmani relations.
Agrarian class structure.
Panchayati Raj System:
Panchayat before and after 73rd Amendment.
Rural Leadership and Factionalism.
Empowerment of people.
Social Issues and Strategies for Rural Development:
Bonded and Migrant labourers.
Pauperization and Depeasantisation.
Agrarian unrest and Peasant movements.
Rural Development and Change:
Trends of changes in rural society.
Processes of change : Migration – Rural to Urban and Rural to Rural Mobility : Social / Economic.
Factors of change.
Elective – II: Industry and Society
Industrial Society in the Classical Sociological Tradition:
Division of labour
Production relations
Surplus value
Industry and Society:
Factory as a social system
Formal and informal organization
Impact of social structure on industry
Impact of industry on society
Industrial Relations:
Changing profile of labour.
Changing labour – management relations.
Conciliation, adjudication, arbitration.
Collective bargaining.
Trade unions.
Worker’s participation in management ( Joint Management Councils ).
Quality circles.
Industrialisation and Social Change in India:
Impact of industrialization on family, education and stratification.
Class and class conflict in industrial society.
Obstacles to and limitations of industrialization.
Industrial Planning:
Industrial Policy
Labour legislation
Human relations in industry
Elective – III: Sociology of Development
Conceptual Perspectives on
Economic growth
Human development
Social development
Sustainable development: Ecological and Social
Theories of Underdevelopment:
Liberal: Max Weber, Gunnar Myrdal.
Dependency: Centre – periphery (Frank), Uneven development (Samir Amin), World – system (Wallerstein).
Paths of Development:
Modernisation, Globalisation
Social Structure and Development:
Social structure as a facilitator / inhibitor.
Development and socio – economic disparities.
Gender and development.
Culture and Development:
Culture as an aid / impediment.
Development and displacement of tradition.
Development and upsurge of ethnic movements.
Elective – IV: Population and Society
Theories of Population Growth:
Demographic transition.
Population Growth and Distribution in India:
Growth of Indian population since 1901.
Determinants of population.
Concepts of Fertility, Mortality, Morbidity and Migration:
Age and Sex composition and its consequences.
Determinants of fertility.
Determinants of mortality, infant, child and maternal mortality
Morbidity rates.
Determinants and consequences of migration.
Population and Development:
Population as a constraint on and a resource for development.
Socio – cultural factors affecting population growth.
Population Control:
Population policy: Problems and perspectives
Population education
Measures taken for population control
Elective – V: Gender and Society
Gender as a Social Construct:
Models of Gendered socialisation.
Cultural symbolism and general roles.
Social Structure and Gender Inequality:
Patriarchy and Matriarchy.
Division of Labour – Production and reproduction.
Theories of Gender Relations:
Post – modernist
Gender and Development:
Effect of development policies on gender relations.
Perspectives on gender and development – Welfarist, developmentalist
Women and Development in India:
Indicators of women’s status: Demographic, social, economic and cultural.
Special schemes and strategies for women’s development.
Voluntary sector and women’s development.
Globalisation and women’s development
Eco – feminism.
Sociology: Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social actions, social structure and functions. A goal for many sociologists is to conduct research which may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure.
Solved Question Papers of UGC NET in Sociology
Click here to view UGC NET Solved Question Papers in Sociology
About UGC NET in Sociology
The UGC NET in Sociology syllabus, question pattern, old examination questions papers along with answer keys (solved questions) can be found at UGC NET in Sociology .