UGC NET Syllabus for English
English UGC NET New Syllabus
The University Grants Commission (UGC) NET Bureau revised its syllabus for UGC NET in English in June, 2019 and the same syllabus will be applicable for the upcoming UGC NET / JRF and SET or SLET examination. The detailed syllabus for paper-1 can be found at UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-1. The details of syllabus of Paper-2 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link:
English UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (New and Updated)
English UGC NET Old Syllabus
The UGC NET examination old syllabus which was applicable till December, 2018 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link. Kindly note that this syllabus is considered as outdated and now not applicable for the upcoming UGC NET examination in English. You can use it only for your reference purpose.
English UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (Old or Previous)
The detailed UGC NET old syllabus in English is given below.
UGC NET Syllabus in English
NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET/SLET Syllabus for English, Code No: 30 is given below
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus
Chaucer to Shakespeare
Jacobean to Restoration Periods
Augustan Age : 18th Century Literature
Romantic Period
Modern Period
Contemporary Period
American and other non – British Literature’s
Literary Theory and Criticism
Rhetoric and Prosody
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus Continues
The following part of the UGC NET syllabus were previously under UGC NET Paper-3 (Part-A), however, as UGC has now only two papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which is general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 on the specific subject (including all electives, without options) instead of previous three papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which was general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 and Paper-3 on the specific subject, so, now-a-days, the following part is also considered as part of the UGC NET Paper-2 syllabus.
(Core Group)
British Literature from Chaucer to the present day
Criticism and Literary Theory.
Unit – I: Literary Comprehension (with internal choice of poetry stanza and prose passage; four comprehension questions will be asked carrying 4 marks each ).
Unit – II: Up to the
Unit – III: Jacobean to Restoration Periods.
Unit – IV: Augustan Age 18th Century Literature.
Unit – V: Romantic Period.
Unit – VI: Victorian and Pre – Raphaelites.
Unit – VII: Modem British Literature.
Unit – VIII: Contemporary British Literature.
Unit – IX: Literary Theory and Criticism up to T. S. Eliot.
Unit – X: Contemporary Theory.
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus Continues
The following part of the UGC NET syllabus were previously under UGC NET Paper-3 (Part-B), however, as UGC has now only two papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which is general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 on the specific subject (including all electives, without options) instead of previous three papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which was general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 and Paper-3 on the specific subject, so, now-a-days, the following part is also considered as part of the UGC NET Paper-2 syllabus.
(Elective / Optional)
Elective – I: History of English Language, English Language Teaching.
Elective – II: European Literature from Classical Age to the 20th Century.
Elective – III: Indian writing in English and Indian Literature in English translation.
Elective – IV: American and other non – British English Literatures.
Elective – V: Literary Theory and Criticism.
English: English Studies is an academic discipline that includes the study of literatures written in the English language (including literatures from the UK, the US, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the Philippines, India, Pakistan, South Africa, and the Middle East, among other areas), English linguistics (including English phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, and stylistics), and English sociolinguistics (including discourse analysis of written and spoken texts in the English language, the history of the English language, English language learning and teaching, and the study of World Englishes). More broadly, English studies explores the production and analysis of texts created in English (or in areas of the world in which English is a common mode of communication). It is not uncommon for academic departments of "English" or "English Studies" to include scholars of the English language, literature (including literary criticism and literary theory), linguistics, law, journalism, composition studies, the philosophy of language, literacy, publishing/history of the book, communication studies, technical communication, folklore, cultural studies, creative writing, critical theory, disability studies, area studies (especially American studies), theater, gender studies/ethnic studies, digital media/electronic publishing, film studies/media studies, rhetoric and philology/etymology, and various courses in the liberal arts and humanities, among others.
Solved Question Papers of UGC NET in English
Click here to view UGC NET Solved Question Papers in English
About UGC NET in English
The UGC NET in English syllabus, question pattern, old examination questions papers along with answer keys (solved questions) can be found at UGC NET in English .