UGC NET Syllabus for Rajasthani
Rajasthani UGC NET New Syllabus
The University Grants Commission (UGC) NET Bureau revised its syllabus for UGC NET in Rajasthani in June, 2019 and the same syllabus will be applicable for the upcoming UGC NET / JRF and SET or SLET examination. The detailed syllabus for paper-1 can be found at UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-1. The details of syllabus of Paper-2 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link:
Rajasthani UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (New and Updated)
Rajasthani UGC NET Old Syllabus
The UGC NET examination old syllabus which was applicable till December, 2018 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link. Kindly note that this syllabus is considered as outdated and now not applicable for the upcoming UGC NET examination in Rajasthani. You can use it only for your reference purpose.
Solved Question Papers of UGC NET in Rajasthani
Click here to view UGC NET Solved Question Papers in Rajasthani.
About UGC NET in Rajasthani
The UGC NET in Rajasthani syllabus, question pattern, old examination questions papers along with answer keys (solved questions) can be found at UGC NET in Rajasthani.