2013 September UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Comparative Study of Religions Paper 3
1. It cannot be included in the study of religion
(A) Sociological approach
(B) Philosophical approach
(C) Fanatic approach
(D) Phenomenological approach
Answer: (C)
2. Which of the following statements in relation to religion is incorrectly?
(A) It is a path to live a better life.
(B) It is a helpful source for social harmony.
(C) It is a set of beliefs and practices.
(D) It is very harmful for economy.
Answer: (D)
3. The incorrect combination amongst the following is
(A) Guru Nanak – Sikhism
(B) Jesus Christ – Christianity
(C) Hazrat Muhammad – Hinduism
(D) Mahavir – Jainism
Answer: (C)
4. Which of the following is a great challenge to religions harmony?
(A) Religions understanding
(B) Religions tolerance
(C) Religions politicization
(D) Religions indifference
Answer: (C)
5. Identify the correct statement:
(A) Primitive mass believed in magic for solution of his problems.
(B) Rationalism was the way of life of the primitive man.
(C) Adivasi people believed in scientific understanding of religion.
(D) Primitive man did not have any animal for worship.
Answer: (A)
6. The following is the combination of old and New testaments.
(A) Tripitaka
(B) Quran
(C) Avesta
(D) Bible
Answer: (D)
7. Arrange the following scriptures in chronological order. Use the codes given below:
I Bible
II Guru Granth Sahib
III Quran
IV Vedas
(A) II, I, III, IV
(B) III, II, IV, I
(C) I, III, II, IV
(D) IV, I, III, II
Answer: (D)
8. In today’s life-style religion is facing challenge from
(A) Materialism
(B) Rationalism
(C) Agnosticism
(D) All of the above
Answer: (D)
9. Tick the correct statement in respect of primitive society
(A) Musical Instruments and scriptures
(B) Monotheism and Pantheism
(C) Animation and Editing
(D) Animism and Manaism
Answer: (D)
10. Meaning of the concept of Trinity is
(A) Three roads of God.
(B) Father, Son and the Holy Sprit.
(C) Prophets of God.
(D) Cities of God.
Answer: (B)
11. Eight-fold path is related to
(A) Judaism
(B) Buddhism
(C) Christianity
(D) Islam
Answer: (B)
12. Transmigration of soul means
(A) Soul reaching the highest level.
(B) Soul taking birth as a human being.
(C) Soul roaming in the cycle of birth and death.
(D) Soul reaching in the heaven after death.
Answer: (C)
13. The book, “The Idea of the Holy” is authored by
(A) E.B. Taylor
(B) Paul Tillich
(C) William James
(D) Rudolf Otto
Answer: (D)
14. “The man who knows one religion knows none”, is said by
(A) Max Muller
(B) E.B. Taylor
(C) Mircea Eliade
(D) Max Weber
Answer: (A)
15. Upanishads expound
(A) Spiritualism
(B) History
(C) Literature
(D) Geography
Answer: (A)
16. The scripture revealed to prophet Muhammad is
(A) Bible
(B) Guru Granth Sahib
(C) Quran
(D) Avesta
Answer: (C)
17. This religion does not believe in God as creator of this universe
(A) Jainism
(B) Sikhism
(C) Islam
(D) Christianity
Answer: (A)
18. Theology is
(A) Logical understanding of God.
(B) Study of natural forces.
(C) Analysis of Human Actions.
(D) Social context of Human Relations.
Answer: (A)
19. Identify the correct order of Vedas
(A) Rigveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda, Yajurveda.
(B) Yajurveda, Samaveda, Rigveda, Atharvaveda.
(C) Atharvaveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Rigveda.
(D) Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda.
Answer: (D)
20. Gopatha Brāhma a follows:
(A) Rigveda
(B) Yajurveda
(C) Samaveda
(D) Atharvaveda
Answer: (D)
21. “Yogashchittavratti-Nirodhah” is the definition of
(A) Brahma
(B) Satkaryavada
(C) Existence of Purusha
(D) Yoga
Answer: (D)
22. Valmiki Ramaya a is recognized as
(A) Epic
(B) Narrative
(C) Prose literature
(D) Drama
Answer: (A)
23. Bhagvat text is counted as
(A) A Upanishad
(B) A Brahmana Grantha
(C) A Purana
(D) An Epic
Answer: (C)
24. The Prominent Preacher of Vaishnava Bhakti in Assam religion is
(A) Ravi Das
(B) Kabir Das
(C) Ramanand
(D) Śankardeva
Answer: (D)
25. The movement to abolish the custom of ‘Sati’ was started by
(A) Satyavrat Samshrami
(B) Raja Rammohan Roy
(C) Keshava Chandra Sen
(D) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Answer: (B)
26. Rājakumāra Varadhamāna was the son of
(A) King Viśvasena
(B) King Nābhi
(C) King Siddhārtha
(D) King Samudradatta
Answer: (C)
27. Trtha kara R. abhadeva attained Nirvāna at
(A) Rājagraha
(B) Girnar
(C) A tāpada (Kailāśa)
(D) Sumeru Parvata
Answer: (C)
28. The Earlier representative Text of Jainism is
(A) Dravyasangraha
(B) Vasunandi Śrāvakācāra
(C) Prāmāna Mimānsā
(D) Tattvārthasūtra
Answer: (D)
29. According to Śrama a tradition the first Jaina council was held at
(A) Valabhi
(B) Pātaliputra
(C) Mathura
(D) Śrāvasth
Answer: (C)
30. The commentary of the Jaina text Satkhandāgama is
(A) Dhavalā
(B) Tatvabodhin
(C) Sarvārthasiddhi
(D) Vijayodaya
Answer: (A)
31. The concept of multi sidedness of reality in Jainism is known as
(A) Syādvāda
(B) Pramā avāda
(C) Anekāntavāda
(D) Niyativāda
Answer: (C)
32. ‘Bandha’ term is included in the group of this principle of Jainism
(A) Seven Fundamentals
(B) Six substances
(C) Three jewels
(D) Five vows
Answer: (A)
33. The example of practical application of non-violent principle of Jainism in present age is
(A) Mahavira Sthali, Delhi.
(B) running of bird Hospital in the campus of Jaina Temple, Delhi.
(C) Ahi sāsthala, Delhi.
(D) Jaina Balashram, Delhi.
Answer: (B)
34. The earliest research institution of Prakrit and Jainology at present is in this place
(A) Alipur, Delhi
(B) Malviyanagar, Jaipur
(C) Shravanabelagola
(D) Vasokunda, Vaishali
Answer: (D)
35. The famous scholar of Karnataka, engaged in the editing work of Prakrit and Jaina texts was
(A) Dr. Nemichandra Shastri
(B) Pt. Dalsukh Bhai
(C) Dr. A.N. Upadhye
(D) Muni Jinvijay
Answer: (C)
36. The authentic and sacred versions of the Buddha’s words are available today in:
(A) Six languages/dialects
(B) Five languages/dialects
(C) Four languages/dialects
(D) Three languages/dialects
Answer: (C)
37. The VAIPULYA SŪTRA-S belong to
(A) The Theravāda
(B) The Sarvāstivāda
(C) Mahāyāna
(D) Mahāsā ghika
Answer: (C)
38. Buddhism split into two sects immediately after the Sa g ti known as
(A) Rājagaha Sa g ti
(B) Vesāli Sa g ti
(C) Pa aliputta Sa g ti
(D) Va agāmi Abhaya Sa g ti
Answer: (B)www.netugc.com
39. The Mahāsā ghika Buddhism was divided into these many subsects during the period of king A oka
(A) Eight
(B) Five
(C) Four
(D) Six
Answer: (D)
40. Identify the correct order of the following Khandha-s which have come down traditionally in Buddhism?
(i) Vedanā
(ii) Sa khāra
(iii) Viññā a
(iv) Rūpa
(v) Saññā
(A) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii), (v)
(B) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv), (v)
(C) (iv), (i), (v), (ii), (iii)
(D) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii), (v)
Answer: (C)
41. The number of Discourses of Buddha compiled under the Dighanikāya, is
(A) Thirty
(B) Nineteen
(C) Eighteen
(D) Thirty four
Answer: (D)
42. MahāBodhi Society was established in India by
(A) B.R. Ambedkar
(B) Dalai Lama
(C) Anagarik Dharmapal
(D) Mahasthavir Kripasaran
Answer: (C)
43. The number of Buddhist sects prevalent during the third century B.C. was
(A) Eighteen
(B) Twenty
(C) Seventeen
(D) Nineteen
Answer: (A)
44. The Buddha’s statues were initiated for the first time with the particular Buddhist Art known as
(A) Ajanta-Ellora Art
(B) Mathura Art
(C) Gandhar Art
(D) Nalanda Art
Answer: (C)
45. The number of Vaipulya Sūtra-s in Buddhism, is
(A) Seven
(B) Ten
(C) Nine
(D) Eight
Answer: (C)
46. This is an old testament personality
(A) St. Paul
(B) St. Peter
(C) Moses
(D) King Herod
Answer: (C)
47. This is a famous old testament event
(A) Transfiguration of Christ
(B) Baptism of John the Baptist
(C) Exodus
(D) Flight of Holy Family to Egypt
Answer: (C)
48. Parable of the prodigal son is found in the Gospel of
(A) Matthew
(B) Mark
(C) Luke
(D) John
Answer: (C)
49. Who wrote the letter to the Romans?
(A) St. Thomas
(B) St. Paul
(C) St. Peter
(D) St. John
Answer: (B)
50. Jesus suffered and died at
(A) Egypt
(B) Galilee
(C) Rome
(D) Jerusalem
Answer: (D)
51. Match the items of List-I and List-II and identify the correct combination:
List – I List - II
(a) Gospels (i) Fisherman
(b) Letter to the Corinthians (ii) Jordan
(c) St. Peter (iii) St.Paul
(d) Baptism of Jesus (iv) Four books of New Testament
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(B) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(D) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
Answer: (B)
52. Indian Christianity began with
(A) St. Francis Xavier
(B) John de Brito
(C) Apostle Thomas
(D) Mother Teresa
Answer: (C)
53. A famous protestant theologian is
(A) Karl Rahner
(B) Thomas Aquinas
(C) Martin Luther King
(D) Karl Barth
Answer: (D)
54. The ecumenical council of the church in the 20th century is
(A) Council of Nicaea
(B) II Vatican council
(C) Council of Constantinople
(D) Council of Chalcedon
Answer: (B)
55. One of the main concerns of Indian Christian theology is
(A) Inculteration
(B) Rationalism
(C) Centralization
(D) Empiricism
Answer: (A)
56. The first written constitution given by the Prophet Muhammad is known as
(A) Mithaq-e Mecca
(B) Mithaq-e Medina
(C) Mithaq-e Tabuk
(D) Mithaq-e Taif
Answer: (B)
57. Author of the book Al-Muwa a was
(A) Al-Mawardi
(B) Malik Ibn anas
(C) Al-Khwarizmi
(D) Nasiruddin Tusi
Answer: (B)
58. Capital of the Abbasid rulers was
(A) Kufa
(B) Damascus
(C) Cordova
(D) Baghadad
Answer: (D)
59. The system of blood circulation in the human body was first discovered by
(A) Galen
(B) Al-Razi
(C) Ibn al-Nafis
(D) Ibn Zuhr
Answer: (C)
60. The pact of Hudaibiyah was exacted by the Prophet Muhammad with
(A) The Quraish
(B) The Ansar
(C) The Muhajirs
(D) The Jews
Answer: (A)
61. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(A) Ibn Tufayl – Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb
(B) Al-Razi – Al-Hawi fi al-Tibb
(C) Ashraf Ali Thanawi – Tafhimul Quran
(D) Nasiruddin Tusi – Kitabul Manazir
Answer: (B)
62. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(A) Hadith – Sayings of Prophet Muhammad
(B) Tawhid – Polytheism
(C) Tasawwuf – Islamic mysticism
(D) Qiyas – Analogical reasoning
Answer: (B)
63. Author of the book Kitab al-Umm was
(A) Imam Muhammad Ibn Idris
(B) Imam Abu Hanifah
(C) Imam Malik Ibn Anas
(D) Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal
Answer: (A)
64. Arrange the following Sufis in chronological order. Use the codes given below:
I. Bahauddin Naqshbandi
II. Khwaja Abu Yaqub Yusuf al-Hamadani
III. Khwaja Baqi Billah
IV. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(A) I, II, IV, III
(B) III, II, I, IV
(C) III, I, II, IV
(D) II, I, III, IV
Answer: (D)
65. Author of the book Hujjat-Allah al-Balighah was
(A) Imam Ghazali
(B) Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi
(C) Shah Wali-Allah
(D) Ashraf Ali Thanawi
Answer: (C)
66. Who is the author of Kattik Ke Visakh?
(A) Prof. Teja Singh
(B) Bhai Kahn Singh
(C) Dr. Ganda Singh
(D) Karam Singh Historian
Answer: (D)
67. Who was the first translator of Sri Guru Granth Sahib?
(A) Maxmuller
(B) M.A. Macauliff
(C) G.S. Talib
(D) Ernest Trumpp
Answer: (D)
68. Who compiled and edited Puratan Janamsakhi first time?
(A) Bhai Vir Singh
(B) Shamsher Singh Ashok
(C) Dr. R.S. Jaggi
(D) Dr. Ganda Singhwww.netugc.com
Answer: (A)
69. Where is the Gurdwara Majnu ka Tilla situated and to whom it is associated with?
(A) Anandpur – Guru Gobind Singh
(B) Delhi – Guru Nanak
(C) Agra – Guru Teg Bahadur
(D) Lahore – Guru Arjan
Answer: (B)
70. Identify the correct order in which of the following appeared?
(A) Creation of Khalsa, Martyrdom of Sahibzada Fateh Singh, Martyrdom of Ajit Singh, Editing of Adi Granth.
(B) Birth of Guru Amardas, Birth of Sri Chand, Birth of Jai Ram, Death of Baba Kalu Mehta.
(C) Marriage of Mata Sulakhni, Marriage of Lakhmi Das, Marriage of Bibi Bhani, Foundation of Chak Ramdaspura.
(D) Editing of Guru Granth Sahib, Compilation of Dasam Granth, Delhi conquered by Sikhs, War of Bhangani.
Answer: (C)
71. Which one of the following statements is wrong?
(A) Sikhism believe in oneness of Human Beings.
(B) Sikhism is a revealed Religion.
(C) Sikhism believe in Deism.
(D) Sikhism believe in Theodicy.
Answer: (C)
72. Identify the Taboo of Sikhism.
(A) Visiting a Shrine of other religion.
(B) Reading a Book of Islam.
(C) Listening the preaching of other religion.
(D) Using Tobacco and Halal meat.
Answer: (D)
73. Match the following List – I and List – II and identify the correct combination:
List – I List - II
(1) 1675 A.D. (a) Birth of Guru Amar Das
(2) 1479 A.D. (b) Martyrdom of Banda Singh
(3) 1716 A.D. (c) Martyrdom of Bhai Dayala
(4) 1552 A.D. (d) Guruship to Guru Angad
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) (c) (a) (d) (b)
(B) (c) (a) (b) (d)
(C) (d) (c) (b) (a)
(D) (c) (b) (d) (a)
Answer: (B)
74. The main reason for Sikhs to migrate from India to Canada is
(A) to preach Punjabi culture.
(B) to propagate their religion.
(C) to enjoy life.
(D) to get employment.
Answer: (D)
75. Match the following List-I and List-II and identify the correct combination:
List – I List – II
(1) Hukam (a) Six Schools of Indian Philosophy
(2) Karam (b) Grace
(3) Chhe Ghar (c) Divine Will
(4) Maya (d) Illusion
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(A) (a) (c) (d) (b)
(B) (c) (a) (b) (d)
(C) (c) (b) (a) (d)
(D) (d) (a) (c) (b)
Answer: (C)