2013 February M SET in Library Science Paper II
Solved paper II of 2013 February Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) / State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) / M SET Examination in Library and Information Science conducted by University of Pune is given below.
1. Shodhaganga project is implemented by......................... .
Answer: (A)
2. Who among the following persons is considered as father of modern management ?
(A) Henry Fayol
(B) Henry L. Gantt
(C) F.W. Taylor
(D) Frederick Herzberg
Answer: (A)
3. Literature not available through a regular book trade channel is........................... .
(A) Gray Literature
(B) Text Book
(C) Journals
(D) Non-book Material
Answer: (A)
4. Which of the following is not an indexing service ?
(A) Index India
Answer: (C)
5. The Headquarter of International Translation Center is situated at.......................... .
(A) London
(B) Paris
(C) New York
(D) Delft
Answer: (D)
6. Facsimile transmission is.................. .
(A) Transmission of microforms
(B) Transmission of magnetic tapes
(C) Exact transmission of the original decuments
(D) Transmission of telegraphic code
Answer: (C)
7. With which agency did UNESCO collaborate to establish UNISIST ?
Answer: (A)
8. Theory X and theory Y is developed by........................ .
(A) Peter Drucker
(B) Douglas McGregor
(C) Abraham Maslow
(D) Luther Gullick
Answer: (B)
9. Which of the following is not a Thesaurus ?
(A) 15th Edition of Sears List of Subject Headings
Answer: (B)
10. Analytical entries are prepared to........................... .
(A) Analyse the subject content of a book
(B) Include subject analysis in descriptive catalogue
(C) Provide access for part of an item
(D) Provide access to index
Answer: (C)
11. National Library of USA is known as.......................... .
(A) National Library of America
(B) The Congress Library
(C) White House Library
(D) Library of Congress
Answer: (D)
12. The latest edition of DDC is............... .
(A) 23
(B) 22
(C) 24
(D) 20
Answer: (A)
13. Basic research is not concerned with....................... .
(A) Establishing cause-effect relations
(B) Finding direct solutions to practical problems
(C) Formulating theories
(D) Refuting established theories
Answer: (B)
14. Hypothesis is..................... .
(A) Final solution of a problem
(B) Tentative solution of a problem
(C) Blueprint of research problem
(D) Tool of data collection
Answer: (B)
15. Mark the ‘odd one out’ :
Answer: (D)
16. Which one of the following is not an aggregator ?
(B) Springer Verlag
(C) Elsevier
(D) Tata McGrahill
Answer: (D)
17. The term “Information Retrieval” was coined by....................... .
(A) H. P. Luhn
(B) Calvin Mooers
(C) Mortimer Taube
(D) Derek Austin
Answer: (B)
18. Inductive logic proceeds from..................... .
(A) Particular to general
(B) General to particular
(C) General to general
(D) Particular to particular
Answer: (A)
19. System analysis involves................. .
(A) Analysis and design
(B) Analysis
(C) Analysis, evaluation and decision
(D) Design
Answer: (C)
20. Indira Gandhi National Center for Arts is located at...................... .
(A) Amethi
(B) Raibareli
(C) New Delhi
(D) Sri Perambedur (TN)
Answer: (C)
21. Amongst the following, which one is arranged in a classified order ?
(A) Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles
(B) Websters International Dictionary
(C) Chambers Dictionary
(D) Roget’s Thesaurus
Answer: (D)
22. The acronym for Association for Library and Information Management is....................... .
Answer: (B)
23. The correct sequence of information flow is...................... .
(A) Message → Source → Channel → Receiver
(B) Source → Message → Channel → Receiver
(C) Message → Channel → Source → Receiver
(D) Message → Channel → Receiver → Source
Answer: (B)
24. “Law of single variable” is an essential component of .................................. .
(A) Experimental Research
(B) Historical Research
(C) Case Study
(D) Survey Research
Answer: (A)
25. Postulational approach to library classification is proposed by.................................... .
(A) S. R. Ranganathan
(B) D. J. Foskett
(C) Melvil Dewey
(D) J. Mills
Answer: (A)
26. University Grants Commission (UGC) was founded in the year............................. .
(A) 1954
(B) 1953
(C) 1958
(D) 1960
Answer: (B)
27. INDEST Consortia is primarily developed for...................... .
(A) Public Libraries
(B) Social Science Libraries
(C) Engineering and Technological Libraries
(D) Medical Libraries
Answer: (C)
28. Identify the correct sequence of the classification schemes according to their origin.
(A) UDC, Expansive Classification, DDC, CC
(B) Expansive Classification, UDC, CC, DDC
(C) DDC, CC, Expansive Classification, UDC
(D) DDC, Expansive Classification, UDC, CC
Answer: (D)
29. Which of the following is not a Library Extension Activity ?
(A) Exhibition
(B) Film Show
(C) Inter-library Lending
(D) Lectures
Answer: (C)
30. E-Learning is mainly concerned with........................ .
(A) Learning in electronic environment
(B) Internet based learning
(C) Learning through e-books
(D) Learning through e-journals
Answer: (A)
31. Journal “Library Literature” is published by........................ .
(A) H. W. Wilson
(B) The Library Association
(C) Bowker Sour
(D) Marcel Deker
Answer: (A)
32. Mortimer Taube is associated with...................... .
(B) Cataloguing
(C) Classification
(D) Indexing
Answer: (D)
33. “Gap Device” helps in making a classification scheme more................ .
(A) Faceted
(B) Hierarchical
(C) Hospitable
(D) Ennumerative
Answer: (C)
34. INSPEC—A bibliographic database deals with................... .
(A) Psychology and Ethics
(B) Physics and Electronics
(C) Philosophy and Ethics
(D) Economics and Commerce
Answer: (B)
35. The book entitled “Powershift” is authored by............................. .
(A) J.D. Bernal
(B) D. Solla Price
(C) Alvin Toffler
(D) H.E. Bliss
Answer: (C)
36. Mark the “odd one out” :
(A) Kaiser
(B) Line
(C) Farradane
(D) Coates
Answer: (B)
37. “Broad system of ordering” is.............................. .
(A) Modified classificatory system
(B) Method of acquisition
(C) An information system
(D) Cataloguing principle
Answer: (A)
38. Mark the “odd one out” :
(A) Sought Link
(B) Unsought Link
(C) Key Link
(D) False Link
Answer: (C)
39. In DDC, phoenix schedules represent classes which are....................................... .
(A) Slightly modified
(B) Completely modified
(C) Yet to be modified
(D) Discontinued
Answer: (B)
40. The complete catalogue record of a document is known as.................... .
(A) Title Entry
(B) Added Entry
(C) Analytical Entry
(D) Main Entry
Answer: (D)
41. The Berne convention is concerned with.......................... .
(A) Translation
(B) Patents
(C) Copyright
(D) Standards
Answer: (C)
42. Routing of periodicals is considered as............................ .
(A) Current Awareness Service
(B) Selective Dissemination of Information
(C) Translation Service
(D) Indexing Service
Answer: (A)
43. Which of the following organization was responsible for the development of UDC ?
(A) Library of Congress
(B) The British Library
Answer: (D)
44. The National Library of India receives books for deposit under........................... .
(A) Right to Information Act
(B) Registration of Books Act
(C) Copyright Act
(D) Delivery of Books and Newspapers Act
Answer: (D)
45. ISI has been renamed as................................. .
Answer: (B)
46. Earliest writing material “papyrus” was first used by........................... .
(A) Greeks
(B) Egyptians
(C) Sumerians
(D) Babylonians
Answer: (B)
47. Ranganathan’s “Five Laws of Library Science” were first published in the year.................... .
(A) 1929
(B) 1930
(C) 1931
(D) 1932
Answer: (C)
48. Match the following :
(1) Protocol (a) Jawa
(2) Language (b) Internet Explorer
(3) Browser (c) Alta Vista
(4) Search Engine (d) HTTP
Codes :
1 2 3 4
(A) (a) (c) (b) (d)
(B) (d) (a) (b) (c)
(C) (c) (a) (d) (b)
(D) (b) (a) (d) (c)
Answer: (B)
49. Match the following :
(1) S.R. Ranganathan (a) Zero Based Budgeting
(2) L.R. McColvin (b) Critical Path Method
(3) Peter Phyor (c) Three Card System
(4) Du Pont (d) Demand Theory
Codes :
1 2 3 4
(A) (d) (c) (a) (b)
(B) (c) (d) (a) (b)
(C) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(D) (b) (c) (d) (a)
Answer: (B)
50. Research done to find the solution for an immediate problem is known as............................ .
(A) Conceptual Research
(B) Pure Research
(C) Applied Research
(D) Qualitative Research
Answer: (C)