UGC NET Syllabus for Folk Literature
Folk Literature UGC NET New Syllabus
The University Grants Commission (UGC) NET Bureau revised its syllabus for UGC NET in Folk Literature in June, 2019 and the same syllabus will be applicable for the upcoming UGC NET / JRF and SET or SLET examination. The detailed syllabus for paper-1 can be found at UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-1. The details of syllabus of Paper-2 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link:
Folk Literature UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (New and Updated)
Folk Literature UGC NET Old Syllabus
The UGC NET examination old syllabus which was applicable till December, 2018 can be downloaded in the pdf format from the following link. Kindly note that this syllabus is considered as outdated and now not applicable for the upcoming UGC NET examination in Folk Literature. You can use it only for your reference purpose.
Folk Literature UGC NET Syllabus for Paper-2 (Old or Previous)
The detailed UGC NET old syllabus in Folk Literature is given below.
UGC NET Syllabus in Folk Literature
NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET/SLET Syllabus for Folk Literature, Code No: 71 is given below
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus
1. General Folklore
Scope and the field of Folklore.
Definitions and concepts of Folklore.
Fields of Folklore and Folklife studies.
Folklore studies in India and abroad.
Early Scholarship; Collections and compilations; Authors and their books.
Folklore Theories
Historical – Geographical Theory; Functional Theory; Psychoanalytical Theory; Structural Theory; Contextual Theory; Performance Theory; Other Theories.
Folklore and other disciplines.
Folklore Genres.
2. Folk Literature
Definition of Folk Literature.
Fields of Folk literature.
Folk Song :
Origin; Characteristics; Classification; Functions and study.
Folk Narrative Poems :
Origin; Characteristics; Classification; Functions and study.
Folk Myth, Legend and Tale :
Origin; Characteristics; Classification; Functions and study.
Origin; Characteristics; Classification; Functions and study.
Riddles :
Origin; Characteristics; Classification; Functions and study.
Folk Speech and Other Genres (Drama, etc.)
Origin; Characteristics; Classification; Functions and study.
3. Collection and Study
Collection of Folk Literature.
Preservation and Documentation.
Classification and study
Oral Folklore
Beliefs, Customs, Festivals, Medicine, etc.
Material Culture
Folk Performing Arts
UGC NET Paper-2 Syllabus Continues
The following part of the UGC NET syllabus were previously under UGC NET Paper-3 (Part-A and Part-B), however, as UGC has now only two papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which is general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 on the specific subject (including all electives, without options) instead of previous three papers i.e. UGC NET Paper-1 which was general and compulsory for all subjects and UGC NET Paper-2 and Paper-3 on the specific subject, so, now-a-days, the following part is also considered as part of the UGC NET Paper-2 syllabus.
[Core and Elective / Optional]
Unit – I
Scope and the field of Folklore.
Definitions and concepts of Folklore.
Fields of folklore and Folklife studies.
Folklore and other disciplines.
Folklore genres.
Definition of Culture.
Marriage, Family and kinship.
Folk religion and magic.
Unit – II
Mythological Theory.
Historical – Geographical Theory.
Functional Theory.
Psychoanalytical Theory.
Structural Theory.
Oral Forulaic Theory.
Genre Theory.
Contextual Theory.
Performance Theory.
Theory of Nativism.
Unit – III
Nature and Scope of field work.
Collection of folk literature.
Collection of non – oral folklore.
Preparations for field work and research design.
Scientific Methods of Collection.
Interview Method.
Observation Method.
Questionnaire Method.
Archiving and using the archives.
Experiences of Field Work.
Unit – IV
Contribution by Western scholars.
Contribution of early Indian scholars.
Folklore Research in various states of India.
Recent trends in Folklore studies.
Other Country
Folklore Research by American scholars.
Folklore Research by European scholars.
Folklore Research by Russian scholars.
Major Scholars of world.
Max Muller
V. J. Propp
Stith Thompson
Levi Strauss
Alan Dundes
Devendra Satyarthi
Unit – V
Definition and Characteristics of Song.
Origin and Classification of Song.
Functions and Study of Song.
Definition and Characteristics of Ballad.
Origin and Classification of Ballad.
Functions and Study of Ballad.
Definition and Characteristics of Epic.
Origin and Classification of Epic.
Functions and Study of Epic.
Unit – VI
Definition and Characteristics of Myth.
Origin and Classification of Myth.
Functions and Study of Myth.
Definition and Characteristics of Legend.
Origin and Classification of Legend.
Functions and Study of Legend.
Definition and Characteristics of Tale.
Origin and Classification of Tale.
Functions and Study of Tale.
Unit – VII
Definition and Characteristics of Folk Theatre.
Origin of Folk Theatre.
Classification of Theatrical Arts.
Functions of Folk – Theatre.
Study of Folk Theatre.
Role of Literature in Theatrical
Problems faced by Indian Folk Theatre in Modern era.
Folk Artists and Art Forms.
Unit – VIII
Definition and characteristics of Proverbs.
Origin of Proverbs.
Classification of Proverbs.
Functions and study of Proverbs.
Definition and characteristics of Riddles.
Origin of Riddles.
Classification of Riddles.
Functions and study of Riddles.
Literary and Cultural significance of Proverbs and Riddles.
Unit – IX
Definition and Characteristics of Folk Speech.
Nature and Function of Folk Idioms, Sayings, Vocabulary, etc.
Dialects and Accent.
Nature of Communication.
Forms and Models of Communication.
Folk Media and Mass Media.
Skills of Communication.
Unit – X
Adaptation and Interaction of Folk Literature.
Folklore and Folklore.
Tradition and Innovation in Folklore.
Application of Folklore.
Election Process
Folk Literature: Folk literature or oral literature or corresponds in the sphere of the spoken (oral) word to literature as literature operates in the domain of the written word. It thus forms a generally more fundamental component of culture, but operates in many ways as one might expect literature to do. The Ugandan scholar Pio Zirimu introduced the term orature in an attempt to avoid an oxymoron, but oral literature remains more common both in academic and popular writing. Pre-literate societies, by definition, have no written literature, but may possess rich and varied oral traditions—such as folk epics, folklore, proverbs and folksong—that effectively constitute an oral literature. Even when these are collected and published by scholars such as folklorists and paremiographers, the result is still often referred to as "oral literature". Literate societies may continue an oral tradition - particularly within the family (for example bedtime stories) or informal social structures. The telling of urban legends may be considered an example of oral literature, as can jokes and also oral poetry including slam poetry which has been a televised feature on Russell Simmons' Def Poetry; performance poetry is a genre of poetry that consciously shuns the written form.
Solved Question Papers of UGC NET in Folk Literature
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About UGC NET in Folk Literature
The UGC NET in Folk Literature syllabus, question pattern, old examination questions papers along with answer keys (solved questions) can be found at UGC NET in Folk Literature .