UGC NET 2013 June Solved Examination Question Paper 3 in Library and Information Science

Solved paper III of 2013 June UGC NET examination in Library and Information Science is given below.

1. “Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature” was brought out by

(A) William Frederick

(B) F.W. Lancaster

(C) Van Rijsbergen

(D) H.P. Luhn

Answer: (A)


2. Walford’s Gurde to Reference Material is published by

(A) American Library Association, Chicago

(B) R.R. Bowker, London

(C) Library Association Publishing, London

(D) Learned Information Ltd., New Jersey

Answer: (C)


3. Starting, Chaining, Browsing, Differentiating, Monitoring, Extracting, Verification and Ending are important stages of which information seeking behavior model?

(A) Dervin’s Model

(B) Ellis Model

(C) Marchionnini Model

(D) Kuhlthan Model

Answer: (B)


4. What kind of arrangement is followed in LISA?

(A) Alphabetical

(B) Chronological

(C) Classified

(D) Geographical

Answer: (C)


5. Webform is used in

(A) Synchronous Virtual Reference Service

(B) Asynchronous Virtual Reference Service

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


6. An online search in which all aspects of the records in natural language may be used as sought terms is

(A) Alphabetical collateral search

(B) Multi aspect search

(C) Free text searching

(D) Streaming search

Answer: (C)


7. Science Abstracts published by

(A) INSPEC (Institute of Electrical Engineering)

(B) Institute of Physics, London

(C) American Institute of Physics

(D) PSOJ (Physical Society of Japan)

Answer: (A)


8. Work study, standardized tools, selecting and training of workers are the contributions of

(A) Louis Brndeis

(B) F.W. Taylor

(C) Henry Fayol

(D) Lyndall Urwick

Answer: (B)


9. When the population is heterogenous, which of the following methods give better results?

(A) Purposive Sampling

(B) Quota Sampling

(C) Random Sampling

(D) Stratified Random Sampling

Answer: (D)


10. Which of the following is/are not database object(s)?

(A) Tables

(B) Queries

(C) Relationships

(D) Reports

Answer: (C)


11. What is the process of transferring software programme from secondary storage media to the hard disc called?

(A) Download

(B) Upload

(C) Installation

(D) Storage

Answer: (C)


12. Name a technique used for searching stored data in a database

(A) Boolean operator

(B) Inverting file

(C) Indexing

(D) Binary

Answer: (D)


13. Information about Government of India’s stand on ‘FDI’ can be found in

(A) Gazetteer of India

(B) Britanniea Book of the Year

(C) Statesman’s Yearbook

(D) Asian Recorder

Answer: (D)


14. “Anomalous State of Knowledge (ASK) Model”, one of the user centered model’s of information retrieval was proposed by

(A) P. Ingwersen

(B) T. Saracevic

(C) J.N. Belkin

(D) D. Ellis

Answer: (C)


15. The ‘Cranefield Test’, associated with evaluation of information retrieval system was carried under the direction of

(A) C.W. Cleverdon

(B) G. Salton

(C) D.C. Blair & M.E. Maron

(D) E. Voorhees

Answer: (A)


16. LAMP stands for

(A) Library Archives Management Programme

(B) Laser Analysis and Multimedia Performance

(C) Linux Apache. MySQL Perl

(D) Library Automation Management protocol

Answer: (C)


17. “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education” is prepared by





Answer: (D)


18. Name the storage medium (compatible with speed of CPU) for storing instructions or data temporarily during processing



(C) Cache


Answer: (C)


19. “Scitation” is the online host service of

(A) American Institute of Physics

(B) University of Maryland

(C) Society for Industrial Research

(D) Oxford University

Answer: (A)


20. The process of surrogating, repackaging and compaction of the primary literature that results in creation of secondary journals, is

(A) Newsletter

(B) Abstracting and Indexing Periodical

(C) House Journals

(D) Electronic Journal

Answer: (B)

21. Which of the following is not a language of DBMS?





Answer: (C) and (D) Both.


22. How do we render the name ‘Bernardo Augustine De Voto’?

(A) Voto, Bernardo, Augustine De

(B) De Voto, Augustine, Bernardo

(C) Bernardo Augustine, De Voto

(D) De Voto, Bernardo Augustine

Answer: (D)


23. Which reference tool defines Reference service as “….that phase of work which is directly concerned with assistance to readers in securing information and in using the resources of the library in study and research”?

(A) Encyclopedia of Librarianship

(B) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science

(C) ALA Glossary of Library Terms

(D) ALA World Encyclopedia of Library & Information Services

Answer: (C)


24. Indian National Advisory Board for Libraries was setup in 1966 by

(A) Association of Indian Universities

(B) Ministry of Education

(C) Planning Commission

(D) University Grants Commision

Answer: (B)


25. The process of establishing headings and providing ‘Cross references’ is called

(A) Access points

(B) Headings

(C) Authority control

(D) Bibliographic Records

Answer: (C)


26. Which set of rules is applicable for exchange of files over Internet?





Answer: (B)


27. The first printed works are called

(A) Impensis

(B) Incunabula

(C) Impression

(D) Imprimatur

Answer: (B)


28. Which Law of Library Science, restated with emphasis on information as a dynamic, continuum and never ending phenomenon?

(A) Fifth Law

(B) Fourth Law

(C) Third Law

(D) Second Law

Answer: (A)


29. Andrew Carnegie donated two million pounds for development of

(A) Library Collection

(B) Library Building

(C) Library Furniture

(D) Library Staff

Answer: (B)


30. Whose model of communication of knowledge suggests that communication as an open system may be regarded as subjective, selective, variable and yet unpredictable?

(A) G. Gerbner

(B) Juger Hebermans

(C) E Shanon & Weaver

(D) M. Foucault

Answer: (A)


31. Which Committee/Commission recommended that Imperial Library be designated as Copyright Library?

(A) Fayzee Commission, 1939

(B) Riche Committee, 1926

(C) Statham Committee, 1932

(D) Sadler Committee, 1916

Answer: (A) or (B). (Not sure)


32. What are the four entities of FRBR model?

(A) Personality, Matter, Energy, Space

(B) Books, Form, Availability, Type

(C) Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item

(D) Discipline, Entity, Action, Personality

Answer: (C)


33. Who said that information is both a product and process?

(A) S.R. Ranganathan

(B) J. Martin

(C) D.J. Foskett

(D) S.C. Bradford

Answer: (B)


34. The process of planning, allocating, organizing and evaluation library tasks and activities within the framework of major objectives, mission and policy refers to

(A) Functional control

(B) Functional Classification

(C) Functional Approach

(D) Functional Authority

Answer: (C)


35. One of the authorized users makes bulk downloading of a Journal using robots and consequently licensor blocks access of the journal. What may be the most appropriate action(s) that librarian should initiate?

A) Cancelation of authentication of the said user.

B) Asking the licensor for blocking up the access without prior information.

C) Investigate and take corrective measures.

D) Notify user community of user restrictions.


(A) (ii), (iv) are correct

(B) (ii), (iii) are correct

(C) (i), (iii) are correct

(D) (i), (ii), are correct

Answer: (D)


36. The purposes of Metadata are

(i) Unique identification

(ii) Authentication of records

(iii) Shelf arrangement

(iv) Shows the collection of a library


(A) (i), (ii) are correct

(B) (ii), (iii) are correct

(C) (iii), (iv) are correct

(D) (iv), (i) are correct

Answer: (A)


37. The primary difference between knowledge classification and library classification are

(i) Knowledge classification arranges knowledge itself.

(ii) Library classification arranges the expression of knowledge in the form of documents.

(iii) Knowledge classification is the basis of Library Classification.

(iv) Knowledge classification follows system of numbers, called notation.

Codes :

(A) (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) (i) and (iii) are correct

(C) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct

(D) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

Answer: (D)


38. Which of the following activities are supported by UGC?

(i) Facilitating increased access to information.

(ii) Monitoring the implementation of revised curriculum.

(iii) Making policies for human resource development

(iv) Funding all academic libraries.


(A) (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) (i) and (iii) are correct

(C) (ii) and (iii) are correct

(D) (i) and (iv) are correct

Answer: (B)


39. Which of the following methods are suitable to achieve quality of teaching, learning in LIS?

(i) Research-led teaching

(ii) State of the art computer lab

(iii) Problem-based learning

(iv) Introducing the course at degree level


(A) (ii) and (iv)

(B) (i), (iii) and (iv)

(C) (i) and (iii)

(D) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: (C)


40. Poor ‘Accessibility’ and less ‘affordability’ of journal subscription in print era led to

(i) High allocation of funds for serials

(ii) Open access movement

(iii) Decrease in subscription of journals

(iv) E-journal consortia subscription


(A) (i) & (ii) are correct

(B) (i), (ii), (iv) are correct

(C) (ii), (iv) are correct

(D) (i), (ii), (iii) are correct

Answer: (C)

41. The alternatives and modifications of H-Index are

(i) I-index

(ii) Pure-h Index

(iii) Scimgo Journal Rank

(iv) European Impact Factor


(A) (i) & (iii) are correct

(B) (i) & (ii) are correct

(C) (i) & (iv) are correct

(D) (ii) & (iii) are correct

Answer: (B)


42. Digitization of various cultural resources is possible through

(i) Scanners

(ii) Digital cameras

(iii) Video cameras

(iv) Smart & Mobile phones


(A) (i), (ii) are correct

(B) (iv), (iii) are correct

(C) (iii), (iv) are correct

(D) (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) are correct

Answer: (D)


43. What is/are common feature/s between RFID & Barcode Technology?

(i) Read more than one item at a time

(ii) Able to locate specific items on shelves

(iii) Programmable

(iv) Read while item is moving


(A) (i), (ii) are correct

(B) (iii), (iv) are correct

(C) (ii), (iv) are correct

(D) All the above are correct

Answer: (D)


44. When a librarian has to show the rationale for the purchase of more e-resources, which of the following’s will help to support his/her stand?

(i) Collection development policy

(ii) Indent from users

(iii) Book selection tools

(iv) All the above


(A) (i) and (ii) are correct

(B) (i) and (iii) are correct

(C) (ii) and (iii) are correct

(D) (iv) is correct

Answer: (A)


45. Assertion (A): Machine translation is not a fully dependable service.

Reason (R) : The semantics of languages are not fully encoded in algorithms.


(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(B) Both (A) & (R) are true

(C) (A) is false, but (R) is true

(D) Both (A) & (R) false.

Answer: (B)


46. Match the following:

List-I                                       List-II

a. INFLIBNET                       i) Digital Library

b. INDEST-AICTE                ii) Resource aggregator

c. DELNET                             iii) E-consortia

d. e-Gyankosh                         iv) Organisation


            a          b          c          d

(A)       i           ii          iii         iv

(B)       iv         iii         ii          i

(C)       iii         ii          I           iv

(D)       ii          iii         iv         i

Answer: (B)


47. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                                List – II

a. Amenable to further algebraic treatment                            i. Mean deviation

b. Estimated without knowing values of extreme items         ii. Medium

c. Mathematieally and logically incorrect                               iii. Inter-quartile deviation

d. The dispersion does not cover all items of a series             iv. Arithmetic means

Codes :

                        a          b          c          d

(A)                   iv         ii          I           iii

(B)                   iii         ii          I           iv

(C)                   ii          iv         iii         i

(D)                   i           iii         iv         ii

Answer: (A)


48. Match the following :

List – I                                                            List – II

a. Trade publisher                                            i. UNESCO

b. Subject book publisher                                ii. American Psychological Society

c. Government Press                                       iii. Harper Collins

d. Scholarly Publisher                                     iv. W.B. Saunders

Codes :

                        a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iv         iii         i

(B)                   iv         iii         i           ii

(C)                   i           iv         iii         ii

(D)                   iii         iv         i           ii

Answer: (D)


49. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a. Statistical Quality/Process Control (SQC/SPC)      i. Identify the intensity of each problem in

the production process

b. Check Shets                                                                        ii. Selected variables checked

c. Pareto Chart                                                            iii. Identify the relationship between problems and causes   

d. Fish Bone Diagram                                     iv. Record variables in the production process

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iv         i           iii

(B)                   iv         ii          iii         i

(C)                   iii         iv         i           ii

(D)                   i           ii          iv         iii

Answer: (A)


50. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                                List – II

a.         Sinha Committee                                                        i. Library staff strength

b.         Dr. S.R. Ranganathan Committee                              ii. Central Medical Library

c.         Report of Dr. Shaw and Dr. D. B. Krishna Rao        iii. Libraries at Panchayat, Block, District and State


d.         Dr. J. Bhore Committee.                                             iv. National Agricultural System of Agriculture


Codes :

                        a          b          c          d

(A)                   iii         i           ii          iv

(B)                   iv         iii         ii          i

(C)                   iii         i           iv         ii

(D)                   i           iii         ii          iv

Answer: (C)


51. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a.         Finding solution to the problem                                  i. Historical Research

of pilferage in libraries                       

b.         Implementation of could computing                          ii. Action research

services in special libraries                             

c.         A study of mathematician turned librarian                 iii. Experimental Research

d.         Use of web resources in Central Universities of India iv. Survey Research

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iii         i           iv

(B)                   iii         ii          iv         i

(C)                   iv         i           ii          iii

(D)                   i           iv         iii         ii

Answer: (A)


52. Match the following :

List – I                                                                        List – II

a.         Internal Files                                                   i.  WPD

b.         Universal File Format                                     ii. OeB

c.         Corel’s Word Perfect                                      iii. HTML

d.         Microsoft Reader                                            iv. RTF

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   i           iii         ii          iv

(B)                   ii          iv         iii         i

(C)                   iv         ii          i           iii

(D)                   iii         iv         i           ii

Answer: (D)


53. Match the following :

List – I                                                                        List – II

a.         Classical Models                                 i.  Ruesch and Bateson’s Functional Model

b.         Linear Model                                      ii. Aristotle

c.         Non-linear Model                                iii. Lasswell

d.         Multi dimensional                               iv. Westley and Mackan’s Conceptual Model

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iii         iv         i

(B)                   ii          iv         i           iii

(C)                   i           ii          iii         iv

(D)                   iii         ii          iv         i

Answer: (A)


54. Match the following :

List – I                                                                        List – II

a.         Henri La Fontaine                               i.  Expansive Classification

b.         H.E. Bliss                                            ii. Bibliographic Classification

c.         C.A. Cutter                                         iii. LC

d.         J.C.M Hansar                                      iv. UDC

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   iv         ii          i           iii

(B)                   iii         ii          iv         i

(C)                   ii          iv         i           iii

(D)                   i           iii         ii          iv

Answer: (A)


55. Match the following :

List – I                                                                        List – II

a.         PDFA                                                  i.  High Colour depth images

b.         HTML                                                 ii. Rules for encoding documents electronically

c.         TIFF                                                    iii. File format for long term archiving

d.         XML                                                   iv. Language for web pages

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iii         i           iv

(B)                   iii         iv         i           ii

(C)                   i           iii         ii          iv

(D)                   iv         ii          iii         i

Answer: (B)


56. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                                List – II

a.         Introduction to Modern information Retrieval           i.  H. Borko & C. Bernier

(McGraw Hill)                       

b.         Indexing Concepts and Methods (Academic Press)  ii. G. Salton & M.J. McGill

c.         Thesaurus Construction: A Practical Manual (Aslib)  iii. J.E. Rowley & R. Hartley

d.         Organizing Knowledge; An introduction to               iv. J. Aitchison & A. Gilchrist

Managing Acess to Information (Ashgate)

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   i           ii          iii         iv

(B)                   ii          i           iv         iii

(C)                   iv         i           ii          iii

(D)                   iii         i           iv         ii

Answer: (D)


57. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                                List – II

a.         Papyrus                                                                       i.  Assyria & Babylonia                      

b.         Handmade paper                                                         ii. Egypt

c.         Clay tablets                                                                 iii. Medieval Europe

d.         Vellum/Parchment                                                      iv. China

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iv         i           iii

(B)                   iv         ii          iii         i

(C)                   iii         iv         i           ii

(D)                   iii         ii          iv         i

Answer: (A)


58. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a.         Icon                                                                 i.  Character strings                

b.         Menus                                                             ii. Select objects on the screen

c.         Dialogue Bou                                                  iii. Bit mapped region

d.         Pointing devices                                              iv. Obtain information from the end users

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   i           ii          iii         iv

(B)                   iii         iv         ii          i

(C)                   ii          iii         iv         i

(D)                   iii         i           iv         ii

Answer: (D)


59. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a.         Resource Description                                      i.  MARC                   

b.         Resource Discovery                                        ii. ISO 10160/10161

c.         Resource Exchange                                         iii. Dublin Care

d.         Interlibrary Loan                                             iv. Z 39.50

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          i           iv         iii

(B)                   iv         ii          i           iii

(C)                   iii         iv         ii          i

(D)                   iii         iv         i           ii

Answer: (D)


60. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                                List – II

a.         Public Library Extension                                            i.  KD Metcalf            

b.         Academic Library Management                                 ii. M A Gelfand

c.         University Libraries for Developing Countries           iii. L R McColvin

d.         Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings iv. M B Line

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   iii         iv         ii          i

(B)                   iv         ii          i           iii

(C)                   iii         i           iv         ii

(D)                   ii          iii         i           iv

Answer: (A)


61. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a.         Indian Cultural Heritage                                             i.  TKDL                    

b.         Race & Brittle                                                             ii. IGNCA

c.         Traditional Knowledge                                               iii. C-DAC

d.         Mobile Digital Library                                                iv. National Library

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   i           iv         iii         ii

(B)                   iv         iii         ii          i

(C)                   ii          iv         i           iii

(D)                   iii         ii          iv         i

Answer: (C)


62. Match the following :

List – I                                                                                    List – II

a.         Carol Kuhlthau                                                           i.  8 stages                  

b.         David Ellis                                                                  ii. ISB is a 6 stage process

c.         M.J. Belkin                                                                  iii. ISB is of 8 key activities

d.         Marchionnini                                                               iv. ISB is 4 dimension characteristic

Codes :            a          b          c          d

(A)                   ii          iii         iv         i

(B)                   ii          iii         i           iv

(C)                   iii         i           iv         ii

(D)                   iv         ii          i           iii

Answer: (A)


63.       Assertion (A) : Colon classification is popular in online catalogues.

            Reason (R) : Traditional classification systems are used in online searching advantageously.

Codes :

(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(B) Both (A) & (R) true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(D) Both (A) & (R) are true.

Answer: (C)


64. Assertion (A) : Technical writing standards, style manulas and citation standards are very essential in structuring the research report.

Reason (R) : Value will get enhanced by standardizing the structure of research report.


(A) (A) is true and (R) is partially true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are flase.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is flase.

Answer: (A)


65. Assertion (A): the encouraging environment of all time, full reading halls with the students in the libraries is diminishing day by day.

Reason (R) : All the reading material is easily available and accessible on Internet to all the students.


(A) Both (A) and (R) true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (C)


66. Assertion (A) : There is a tremendous increase in number of doctoral degrees being awarded in library and information science.

Reason (R) : Any academician in LIS holding a Ph.D degree is entitled to supervise research programme.


(A) (A) is true and (R) is partially true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Answer: (A)


67. Assertion (A) : The information seeking behavior research at the current times is on the social and cultural context of human interaction with information.

Reason (R) : Attempt is being made to interpret social and cultural experiences of individuals with respect to their information seeking and searching experiences.

Codes :

(A) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are true.

Answer: (D)


68. Assertion (A) : with the emergence of Internet, there is no need for reference service in this technology-based era.

Reason (R) : Internet has allowed access to every one to seek his/her information from anywhere, any time.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is false but (R) is partially true.

(D) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

Answer: (C)


69. Assertion (A) : Micrographic services have lost acceptance for preservation and dissemination of archival material.

Reason (R): ICT has brought in cost effective alternatives and replaced micrographic services.

Codes :

(A) (A) is true and (R) is partially true.

(B) Both (A) & (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.

Answer: (A)


70. Assertion (A) : Institutions generate information through research and development activities.

Reason (R) : All such generated information forms the grey literature.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, (R) is partially true.

(D) (A) is false, (R) is true.

Answer: (C)


71. Assertion (A) : Maximizing the access to information in higher education is the motto of UGC-INFONET project.

Reason (R) : the financial grants of UGC-INFONET are not being fully utilized by all University Libraries for the assigned purpose.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) false.

(B) (A) is true and (R) is partially true.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Answer: (B)


72. Assertion (A) : The effective reprographic service in libraries indirectly demotivates the user for tearing/theft of reading material.

Reason (R) : the user gets the photocopy of reading materials free of cost.

Codes :

(A) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are flase.

Answer: (C)


73. Assertion (A) : RFID technology is still not widely installed in Indian Library Environment.

Reason (R) : the standardization, application and innovation are constantly changing.


(A) Both (A) & (R) true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) & (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (B)


74. Assertion (A) : Gap device is a nonscientific solution to the problem of growing universe.

Reason (R) : A classificationist cannot forcast the areas/subjects wherein some new ones may emerge.


(A) (A) and (R) is false.

(B) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(C) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(D) (A) and (R) are false.

Answer: (A)


75. Assertion (A) : All the states in India have enacted library legislation.

Reason (R) : NKC recommends for the enactment of library legislation in all the states.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (D)