2013 December UGC NET Solved Question Paper in Arab Culture and Islamic Studies Paper 3

1. Abrahah built a magnificent cathedral in

(A) Aden

(B) San‘a

(C) Khawlān

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


2. Banu Bakr fought Harb al-Basūs with

(A) Banu Asad

(B) Banu Tamim

(C) Banu Taghlib

(D) Banu ‘Abs

Answer: (C)


3. Dhul Quruh is the title given to the pre-Islamic Mu‘allaqah writer

(A) Imru al-Qais

(B) Zuhair bin Abi Sulma

(C) Labid bin Rabi‘ah

(D) Antarah bin Shaddad

Answer: (A)


4. The odes that were hung on the walls of Ka‘bah were

(A) three

(B) four

(C) five

(D) seven

Answer: (D)


5. Manah, that was worshipped by the pre-Islamic Arabs, was the goddess of

(A) Prosperity

(B) Death

(C) Destiny

(D) Knowledge

Answer: (C)


6. The conquest of Makkah took place in

(A) 7 A.H.

(B) 8 A.H.

(C) 9 A.H.

(D) 10 A.H.

Answer: (B)


7. The Holy Prophet’s mother died at

(A) Makkah www.netugc.com

(B) Tā’if

(C) Abwā

(D) San‘a

Answer: (C)


8. Bilal was the slave of

(A) Umayyah bin Khalaf

(B) Ibn al-Asda

(C) Hakam bin Abi al-Ās

(D) Uqba bin Ali

Answer: (A)


9. “Umm al-Masākeen” was the title of Hazrat

(A) Saudah bint Zam‘ah

(B) Umm Habibah

(C) Zainab bint Jahash

(D) Zainab bint Khuzaimah

Answer: (D)


10. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Abu Sufyan – Umm Habibah

(B) Abu Bakr – Asma

(C) Usman – Hafsah

(D) Ali – Umm Kulsum

Answer: (C)

11. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Aleppo                              –                                  Syria

(B) Basrah                               –                                  Yemen

(C) Yanbu‘                              –                                  Iraq

(D) Bandar Abbas                   –                                  Lebanon

Answer: (A)


12. The Battle of the Bridge was fought between

(A) Muslims and Romans

(B) Muslims and Iranians

(C) Muslims and Egyptians

(D) Muslims and Syrians

Answer: (B)


13. The last King of Persia, prior to the establishment of the Islamic rule, was

(A) Anusharwan

(B) Jamshed-I

(C) Khusraw Parvez

(D) Yazdagird-III

Answer: (D)


14. Hazrat Ali was martyred in the year

(A) 650 AD

(B) 655 AD

(C) 661 AD

(D) 665 AD

Answer: (C)


15. The Muslim army defeated the last Iranian King belonging to the dynasty of

(A) Sāmānid

(B) Sasānid

(C) Safavid

(D) Shervanite

Answer: (B)


16. ‘Muqawqis’ is the Arabic term for

(A) Cyrus

(B) Caesar

(C) Negus

(D) Khusraw

Answer: (A)


17. The third Orthodox Caliph recalled Amr bin al-As from Egypt and appointed in his place his

(A) Son

(B) Son-in-law

(C) Nephew

(D) Foster brother

Answer: (D)


18. In 649, Mu‘āwiyah seized Cyprus, the famous naval base of

(A) Iranians

(B) Greeks

(C) Byzantines

(D) Egyptians

Answer: (C)


19. The Dhimmis

(A) Enjoyed the protection and had no military duty.

(B) Enjoyed the protection and paid zakat.

(C) Enjoyed the protection and given military duty.

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


20. The famous medieval Muslim Indologist was

(A) Ibn al-Muqaffah

(B) Al-Biruni

(C) Ibn Khaldun

(D) Haji Khalifah

Answer: (B)

21. As Caliph, Hazrat Abubakr received

(A) 1200 dirmah annually

(B) Stipend in kind

(C) Stipend to cover all his expenses

(D) No stipend

Answer: (D)


22. The title “Khalifatu Khalifati Rasūl Allah” was used for Hazrat

(A) Umar

(B) Usman

(C) Ali

(D) Mu‘āwiyah

Answer: (A)


23. Hazrat Ali was proclaimed the fourth Caliph in

(A) Makkah

(B) Madinah

(C) Kufah

(D) Najaf

Answer: (B)


24. ‘The Battle of Camel’ took place outside

(A) Basrah

(B) Madinah

(C) Kufah

(D) Ta’if

Answer: (A)


25. Amir Mu‘āwiyah was a descendant of

(A) Hashim

(B) Abdul Muttalib

(C) Abd Shams

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)


26. Al-Qayrawan was founded by

(A) Mūsa ibn Nusairwww.netugc.com

(B) ‘Uqbah ibn Nāfi’

(C) Mohammad ibn Qasim

(D) Tariq ibn Ziyad

Answer: (B)


27. The population throughout the Umayyad empire was divided into

(A) two social classes

(B) three social classes

(C) four social classes

(D) five social classes

Answer: (C)


28. Al-Akhtal, the famous poet was a

(A) Muslim

(B) Jew

(C) Magian

(D) Christian

Answer: (D)


29. Arrange the following Caliphs chronologically in respect of their rule, using the code given below:

(i) Al-Wathiq

(ii) Al-Amin

(iii) Al-Mutawakkil

(iv) Al-Mu‘tasim


(A) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

(B) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)

(C) (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)

(D) (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)

Answer: (A)


30. Siddhanta was translated by

(A) Muhammad ibn-Ibrahim al- Fazāri

(B) Ibn al-Muqaffah

(C) Hunayn ibn Ishaq

(D) Ali ibn Al-Abbas

Answer: (A)


31. Arrange the following personalities chronologically according to their dates of death, using the code given below:

(i) Al-Ghazzali

(ii) Imam Malik

(iii) Ibn Sina

(iv) Al-Razi


(A) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

(B) (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)

(C) (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)

(D) (i), (iv), (ii), (iii)

Answer: (B)


32. Jāmi‘al-Bayān Fi Tafsir al-Qur’ān was written by

(A) Al-Razi

(B) Ibn Jarir al-Tabari

(C) Ibn Miskawayh

(D) Ibn al-Athir

Answer: (B)


33. The incomplete commentary on the Holy Qur’an was written by

(A) Abul Kalam Azad

(B) Ashraf Ali Thanvi

(C) Amin Ahsan Islahi

(D) Maulana Maududi

Answer: (A)


34. The Quranic commentary al- Kashshāf was written by

(A) Ibn Hazm

(B) Ibn Taimiyah

(C) Zamakhshari

(D) Ibn Kathir

Answer: (C)


35. Hadith means

(A) Only suggestions of Prophet Muhammad

(B) Sayigns of the Prophet and his companions

(C) Sayings of the rightly-guided Caliphs

(D) What Muhammad said, did and approved of.

Answer: (D)


36. Of the following, which is not a source of Islamic law?

(A) Ijmā’

(B) Qiyās

(C) The Holy Qur’ān

(D) Riwayah and Dirayah

Answer: (D)


37. Of the following, which is not included in Sihah Sittah?

(A) Musnad Imam Ahmad

(B) Jami' al-Tirmidhi

(C) Sunan Ibn Mājah

(D) Sunan Abu Dawood

Answer: (A)


38. Riwayah and Dirayah means

(A) Rituals mentioned in Hadith

(B) Compilation of Hadith

(C) Transmission and scrutiny of Hadith

(D) Source of Islamic law

Answer: (C)


39. The largest number of Ahādith were reported by

(A) Uthman

(B) Abu Hurairah

(C) Umar

(D) Abu Bakr

Answer: (B)


40. The author of Kitab al-Shamā’il is

(A) Imam Tirmidhi

(B) Imam Bukhari

(C) Imam Muslim

(D) Abu Dawood

Answer: (A)


41. Fath al-Bari of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani is a commentary on

(A) Sahih Muslim

(B) Sahih Bukhari

(C) Jami’ Tirmidhi

(D) Sunan Abi Dawood

Answer: (B)


42. The author of Kitab al-Umm is

(A) Abu Yusuf

(B) Sufiyan Sauri

(C) Imam Shafi’i

(D) Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

Answer: (C)


43. Identify the city which is known as ‘Dār-ul-Sunnah’:

(A) Madinah

(B) Makkah

(C) Basrah

(D) Kufah

Answer: (A)


44. Hazrat Umar sent Abd Allah ibn Mas‘ūd as a teacher to

(A) Ta’if

(B) Halb

(C) Basrah

(D) Kufah

Answer: (D)


45. Al-Majmu‘ fi al-Fiqh was written by

(A) Ahmad ibn Hanbal

(B) Abu Hanifah

(C) Zayd ibn Ali Zayn al-Abidin

(D) Abu Yusuf

Answer: (C)


46. The Committee of jurists that compiled ‘Fatāwa Alamgiri’ was headed by

(A) Shaykh Hammad Jaunpuri

(B) Mufti Muhammad Akram Lahori

(C) Shaykh Nizam Burhanpuri

(D) Qazi Muhammad Husayn Jaunpuri

Answer: (C)


47. Shaykh Abdul Haq Dehlavi was

(A) Faqih

(B) Scholar of Hadith

(C) Physician

(D) Historian

Answer: (B)


48. The Sufis of Naqshbandi Order disapprove of

(A) Non-obligatory prayer

(B) Non-obligatory fasting

(C) Paying poordue

(D) Dhikr-e-Jali

Answer: (D)


49. Kashf al-Mahjūb was written by

(A) Makhdum Maha’imi

(B) Quli Qutub Shah

(C) Nizam al-Din Auliya

(D) Ali Hujweri

Answer: (D)


50. Khwajah Mu‘in al-Din Chishti was Khalifah of

(A) Khwajah Uthman Haruni

(B) Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi

(C) Junaid Baghdadi

(D) Abdul Qādir Jilāni

Answer: (A)


51. The famous jurist, Alqamah al-Nakha’i, was a pupil of

(A) Abd Allah ibn Abi ‘Awf

(B) Abd Allah ibn Abbas

(C) Abd Allah ibn ‘Umar

(D) Abd Allah ibn Mas‘ūd

Answer: (D)


52. The name of the extinct book of Abu Hanifah was

(A) Kitāb al-Rā’i

(B) Kitab al-Kharāj’

(C) Usūl al-Hadith

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


53. The author of Kitab al-Risālah is

(A) Imam Muhammad

(B) Imam Abu Yusuf

(C) Imam Shāfi’i

(D) Imam Razi

Answer: (C)


54. The Prophet’s nocturnal journey is mentioned in Surah

(A) Al-Ma‘ūn

(B) Al-Feel

(C) Al-Sajdah

(D) Al-Isrā’

Answer: (D)


55. Nizam al-Din Auliyā was born in

(A) Bulandshahar

(B) Badāyūn

(C) Baghdad

(D) Bareilly

Answer: (B)


56. Mujaddid Alf Thāni was born in

(A) Malerkotla

(B) Lahore

(C) Delhi

(D) Sirhind

Answer: (D)


57. Ezālat al-Khifā ‘un Khilāfat al-Khulafā was written by

(A) Shah Waliullah

(B) Abdul Haq Dehlavi

(C) Nizam al-Din Auliyā

(D) Amir Khusro

Answer: (A)


58. Panchtantra was translated into Arabic from Pahlavi by

(A) Al-Fārābi

(B) Ibn al-Mu‘qaffa‘

(C) Muhammad ibn Mūsa al-Khwarizmi

(D) Al-Kindi

Answer: (B)


59. Beside being a poet and mathematician, Umar al-Khayyam was

(A) Astronomer

(B) Historian

(C) Chemist

(D) Pharmacist

Answer: (A)


60. Al-Kindi is known as the

(A) Theologian of the Arabs

(B) Novelist of the Arabs

(C) Philosopher of the Arabs

(D) Poet of the Arabs

Answer: (C)


61. Which of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Al-Battani                         –                      Astronomer

(B) Ibn Sina                            –                      Historian

(C) Farabi                                –                      Jurist

(D) Ibn Nafis                          –                      Poet

Answer: (A)


62. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Al-Biruni – Kitab al-Hind

(B) Abu al-Qasim al-Zahravi – Tafsir

(C) Al-Jahiz – Kitab al-Hayawān

(D) Gazzali – Tarikh al-Khulafā

Answer: (D)


63. Identify the personality known as Herodotus of the Arabs?

(A) Al-Tabari

(B) Al-Mas‘udi

(C) Ibn Khaldun

(D) Al-Biruni

Answer: (B)


64. Arrange the following personalities chronologically, according to their demise using the code given below:

(i) Al-Biruni

(ii) Al-Kindi

(iii) Al-Tabari

(iv) Ibn Sinā


(A) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)

(B) (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)

(C) (i), (iv), (iii), (ii)

(D) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

Answer: (D)


65. Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi was basically

(A) Physician

(B) Astrologer

(C) Geographer

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


66. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(A) Ghazzali                            –                      Mathematics

(B) Ali Hujveri                        –                      Medicine

(C) Jabir ibn Hayyan               –                      Chemistry

(D) Ibn Sina                            –                      Mysticism

Answer: (C)


67. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(A) Scientific                          –                      Sir Sayyad Society Ahmad Khan

(B) Kanz al-Iman                    –                      Ahmad Raza Khan

(C) Ahl-e-Hadith                    –                      Abul A’la Maududi

(D) Bhakti Movement             –                      Ramanand

Answer: (C)


68. Saddam Husain belonged to

(A) Al-B’ath Party

(B) Ahl-e-Hadith

(C) Sannusi Movement

(D) Ikhwan-al-Muslimun

Answer: (A)


69. Khawarij were

(A) Against Ali and in favour of Mu‘āwiyah

(B) Against Ali and Mu‘āwiyah

(C) Against Mu‘āwiyah and in favour of Ali

(D) In favour of Ali and Mu‘āwiyah

Answer: (B)


70. The Ithna ‘Asharis follow the laws laid down by

(A) Imam Zahir

(B) Imam Zaid

(C) Imam Isma’il

(D) Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiqwww.netugc.com

Answer: (D)


71. The founder of modern Egypt is

(A) Ismail Pasha

(B) Saeed Pasha

(C) Mohammad Ali Pasha

(D) Abbas Pasha

Answer: (C)


72. Sayyad Ahmad Shaheed was martyred at

(A) Balakot

(B) Pathankot

(C) Rajkot

(D) Sherkot

Answer: (A)


73. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab was born in the year

(A) 1690

(B) 1703

(C) 1803

(D) 1903

Answer: (B)


74. The revolution in Iran led by Ayat Allah Khumaini took place in

(A) 1979

(B) 1984

(C) 1988

(D) 1989

Answer: (A)


75. The book of al-Mas‘ūdi which depicts the early Indo-Arab relations is

(A) Kitab al-Ma‘arif

(B) Kitab al-Khiraj

(C) Kashf al-Mahjūb

(D) Murūj al-Dhahab

Answer: (D)