2013 December WB SET in Library Science Paper II

Solved paper II of 2013 December West Bengal State Eligibility Test for Lectureship (SET) / State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) / WB SET Examination in Library and Information Science conducted by West Bengal College Service Commission is given below.

1. The book entitled ‘Documentation and its Facets’ is edited by

(A) Amitabha Chatterjee

(B) Arunkanti Dasgupta

(C) Bimalendu Guha

(D) S. R. Ranganathan

Answer: (D)


2. In which of the following network topologies, all the computers are directly connected to a Central Computer?

(A) Ring topology

(B) Bus topology

(C) Peer to Peer topology

(D) Star topology

Answer: (D)


3. The number of methods of “Analysis” proposed in AACR2R (1988) is

(A) three

(B) four

(C) five

(D) six

Answer: (C)


4. One of the following is a non-probability sampling method. Which is the one?

(A) Purposive sampling

(B) Convenience sampling

(C) Cluster sampling

(D) Snowball sampling

Answer: (C)


5. Who among the following was associated as the pioneer in LIS education in India?

(A) S. R. Ranganathan

(B) W. A. Borden

(C) J. S. Morgan

(D) Melvil Dewey

Answer: (B)


6. The paper entitled “The crisis in Cataloging” published in Library Quarterly (Vol. 11, Oct. 1941) was authored by

(A) Seymour Lubetzky

(B) Michael Gorman

(C) Andrew Osborn

(D) David J. Haykin

Answer: (C)


7. The term ‘Information Product’ was coined by

(A) Paul Zurkowski

(B) Fritz Machlup

(C) William Martin

(D) George J. Stigler

Answer: (A)


8. Information, as a commodity, is used for

(A) National integration

(B) Treatment of diseases

(C) Flood problem

(D) Decesion making process

Answer: (D)


9. Which of the following organisations is holding seminars and conferences in alternate years?





Answer: (D)


10. Laws of Library Science are nothing but

(A) advices to run libraries

(B) instructions to library workers

(C) guidelines to manage different types of libraries

(D) some philosophical foundations for Library Management and Administration

Answer: (D)


11. Which of the following database programs is used in DSpace?

(A) PostgreSQL



(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


12. Which one of the following is not a Web 2.0 enable product?

(A) Wiki

(B) Blog

(C) Facebook

(D) None of the above

Answer: (D)


13. LYCOS is a ________.

(A) Database

(B) Browser

(C) Web Portal

(D) e-Book

Answer: (C)


14. Which one of the following is called a volatile memory?

(A) Random Access Memory (RAM)

(B) Read Only Memory (ROM)

(C) Erasable Programable ROM (EPROM)

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


15. Which one of the following is not a metadata schema?





Answer: (D)


16. MeSH is the name of

(A) a Bulletin in Medical Sciences

(B) an International Medical Library

(C) a Controlled Vocabulary Device in Medical Sciences

(D) none of the above

Answer: (C)


17. Research Scholars generally prefer

(A) Primary sources of information

(B) Tertiary sources of information

(C) Secondary sources of information

(D) Primary & Secondary sources of information

Answer: (A)


18. Trend report gives the _____ picture of a subject.

(A) comprehensive

(B) executive

(C) latest

(D) recent

Answer: (A)


19. Pre-cordinate indexing was propounded by

(A) Melvil Dewey

(B) S. R. Ranganathan

(C) Derek Austin

(D) M. B. Line

Answer: (B)


20. Classical school of management thought was introduced by

(A) A. Maslow

(B) F. W. Taylor

(C) H. Fayol

(D) W. Frederick

Answer: (C)

21. Who should undertake system analysis study in a university library?

(A) The Chief Librarian

(B) The Systems Analyst

(C) The Librarian & the System Analyst

(D) The data entry operator

Answer: (C)


22. The ISSN for Indian Journals is alloted by





Answer: (D)


23. Match the following:

List I                           List II

(i) atlas                        (w) homonym

(ii) pitch                       (x) acronym

(iii) bibliophily             (y) eponym

(iv) laser                      (z) synonym

Codes: (i)        (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

(A)       (w)       (x)        (y)        (z)

(B)       (z)        (y)        (x)        (w)

(C)       (y)        (w)       (z)        (x)

(D)       (z)        (x)        (y)        (w)

Answer: (C)


24.       The American Society for Information Science and Technology is now known as the

(A) Library and Information Technology Association

(B) Association for Information Technology Professionals

(C) Information Science and Technology Association

(D) Association for Information Science and Technology

Answer: (D)


25. Match the following:

List I                                                               List II

(i) Chester Carlton                                          (w) e-Book

(ii) Brewstu Kahle                                           (x) Xerox copier

(iii) Michael S. Hart                                        (y) NDLTD

(iv) Edward Fox                                             (z) Internet Archive

Codes: (i)        (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

(A)       (x)        (z)        (w)       (y)

(B)       (z)        (y)        (x)        (w)

(C)       (y)        (w)       (z)        (x)

(D)       (w)       (x)        (y)        (z)

Answer: (A)


26. Match the following:

List I                                                   List II

(i) Egypt                                              (w) Library of Ashurbanipal

(ii) Turkey                                           (x) Villa of Papyri

(iii) Italy                                              (y) Library of Pergamum

(iv) Iraq                                               (z) Royal Library of Alexandria

Codes: (i)        (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

(A)       (z)        (x)        (y)        (w)

(B)       (z)        (y)        (x)        (w)

(C)       (w)       (y)        (z)        (x)

(D)       (y)        (x)        (w)       (z)

Answer: (B)


27. The empirical rule that describes the frequency of words in a piece of text is known as the

(A) Heaps’ Law

(B) Bradford’s Law

(C) Mooers’ Law

(D) Zipf’s Law

Answer: (D)


28. Who is the author of ‘Traite de Documentation’?

(A) S. C. Bradford

(B) B. C. Vickery

(C) Paul Otlet

(D) S. R. Ranganathan

Answer: (C)


29. Arrange the following stages in research according to the sequence of their occurrence:

(i) Theory

(ii) Axiom

(iii) Law

(iv) Hypothesis


(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(B) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)

(C) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(D) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)

Answer: (C)


30. 2011 is the centenary year of publication of

(A) Sears list of Subject Headings

(B) Expansive Classification

(C) Systematic indexing

(D) Grammar of Classification

Answer: (C)


31. Which association’s tagline is “connecting people and information”?





Answer: (A)


32. Which of the following organisations was joined with Library Association to form CILIP in 2002?

(A) Institute of Bibliography

(B) Institute of Information Scientists

(C) Institute of Documentation

(D) Institute of Librarianship

Answer: (B)


33. In which of the following years International Institute of Documentation was changed to International Federation of Documentation?

(A) 1931

(B) 1937

(C) 1945

(D) 1948

Answer: (B)


34. Canon of Characteristics is a part of

(A) Verbal plane

(B) Notational plane

(C) Idea plane

(D) Structural plane

Answer: (C)


35. BERNE CONVENTION (1886) is concerned with

(A) Translations

(B) Copyright

(C) Patent

(D) Standards

Answer: (B)


36. Arrange the following according to the year of their publication

(i) Colon Classification

(ii) Prolegomena to Library Classification

(iii) Five Laws of Library Science

(iv) Classified Catalogue Code


(A) (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)

(B) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)

(C) (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)

(D) (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)

Answer: (C)


37. Who did publish the journal entitled “International Classification”?

(A) University of Texas



(D) American Library Association

Answer: (B)


38. Sector Device is an extension of

(A) Gap Device

(B) Empty Device

(C) Octave Device

(D) Group Notation Device

Answer: (C)


39. In which year the ISBN allocation office in India was shifted from Kolkata to New Delhi?

(A) 2009

(B) 2010

(C) 2011

(D) 2012

Answer: (C)


40. Which one of the sampling methods will give better results if the size of the study population is very small?

(A) Purposive

(B) Stratified Random

(C) Simple Random

(D) Census

Answer: (A)

41. Which of the pair of organisations do jointly publish survey on digitisation and preservation?


(B) ALA & LC



Answer: (A)


42. Which one of the following search devices will lead to an increase in the Recall output?

(A) Boolean ‘AND’

(B) Boolean ‘NOT’

(C) Proximity operators

(D) Truncation

Answer: (D)


43. In which year Aslib was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for Emerald group publishing?

(A) 2003

(B) 2005

(C) 2009

(D) 2010

Answer: (D)


44. Which of the following organisations has introduced the concept of “Sister Libraries” for children’s and young adults reading?



(C) Library of Congress

(D) Library Association

Answer: (B)


45. Who had founded Documentation Inc. to explore new methods of information indexing and retrieval?

(A) S. C. Bradford

(B) Jennifer Rowley

(C) Mortimer Taube

(D) S. R. Ranganathan

Answer: (D)


Read the passage given below and answer the questions based on your understanding of the passage (Question Nos. 46-50):

The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) was set up by the Prime Minister (PM) with the challenging mandate to transform India of 21st century into a knowledge society. The objective of NKC was primarily to advise the PM on matters relating to knowledge creation, knowledge dissemination and knowledge application within the diversity of the Indian scenario.

The Prime Minister inaugurated NKC on 2nd August, 2005 referring specially to libraries with the statement “Public Libraries are an extremely important element of the foundation of a knowledge economy”. Under the Chairmanship of Mr. Sam Pitroda, NKC formed a “Working Group on Libraries (WGL)” headed by Mrs. Kalpana Dasgupta and made the following major recommendations on libraries—

(i) Setting up a National Mission on Libraries,

(ii) Revamping Library and Information Science (LIS) education, training and research facilities by establishing a well equipped National Institute in LIS (NILIS)

(iii) Preparing a National Census of all Libraries

(iv) Reassesing staffing of libraries

(v) Setting up a Central Library Fund for upgradation of existing libraries. ...... etc.

In pursuance of this a High Level Committee called National Mission on Libraries (NML) has been set up by the Government of India by a notification in its the Gazette of India on 4th May, 2012. Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture would act as the nodal agency for administrative, logistics, planning and budgeting purposes. Under the chairmanship of Prof. Deepak Pental, the NML has formed the following four

Working Groups—

* Working Group on upgradation of the Existing Public Libraries, School/College Libraries. Chairman: Shri B. S. Basawan

* Working Group on Library and Information Science Education, Training and Research Facilities. Chairman: Prof. A. R. D. Prasad

* Working Group on setting up National Virtual Library (NVL), networking and ICT applications in Libraries. Chairman: Dr. H. K. Kaul

* Working Group on National Census of Libraries, content creation and community information centres. Chairman: Dr. Subbiah Arunachalam.


46. Match the following:

List I                                                   List II

(i) A. R. D. Prasad                              (w) Working Group on setting up NVL, Networking etc.

(ii) B. S. Basawan                               (x) Working Group on National Census of Libraries etc.

(iii) H. K. Kaul                                    (y) Working Group on Upgradation of Existing Public Libraries etc.

(iv) S. Arunachalan                             (z) Working Group on Library and Information Science Education, Training and Research etc.

Which of the following matches is more relevant:

Codes: (i)        (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

(A)       (w)       (x)        (y)        (z)

(B)       (z)        (x)        (y)        (w)

(C)       (w)       (y)        (x)        (z)

(D)       (z)        (y)        (w)       (x)

Answer: (D)


47. Which of the following is the publisher of the Gazette of India?

(A) The National Library, Kolkata

(B) Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation

(C) The Government of India

(D) Central Reference Library

Answer: (C)


48. National Mission on Libraries is established by the Government of India which has been put under the

(A) Ministry of Human Resource Development

(B) Ministry of Culture

(C) Planning Commission

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


49. Which of the following was not a recommendation of the Working Group on Libraries of NKC?

(A) Setting up National Virtual Libraries

(B) Setting up National Mission on Libraries

(C) Setting up National Institute of Library and Information Science

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)


50. Match the following:

List I                                                   List II

(i) Deepak Pental                                (w) NILIS

(ii) Sam Pitroda                                   (x) NKC

(iii) Kalpana Dasgupta                        (y) WGL

(iv) A. R. D. Prasad                            (z) NML

Which of the following matches is more relevant:

(i)         (ii)        (iii)       (iv)

(A)       (z)        (x)        (y)        (w)

(B)       (x)        (y)        (z)        (w)

(C)       (z)        (w)       (x)        (y)

(D)       (z)        (y)        (x)        (w)

Answer: (A)